There are many different customs associated with ordinary coins. This simple object using the magic and the traditions of almost all countries and peoples. There are two types of use of coins: rituals and talismans.

How to make the mascot of the coins
In various magical rituals using one-time coins. Talismans serve humanity faithfully for many consecutive years. In this article, we will focus just on the talismans. What, in fact, means the same word?
The mascot is a magical object with a particular value and force, to protect its owner or open his potential (skills improvement) . He brings good fortune, maintains the health, attracts the positive emotions and protects from adversity, adversity, problems and the impact of external magic.
The mascot can become anything. But the coins – the talismans have been more widespread, especially among people with supernatural abilities.
The help of coins, special charges for disabled people have made use of in ancient times. A particularly urgent need for talismans manifested itself in moments of utter helplessness of man in the Universe. So, with the help of the special charge, the talismans have ended the people from the evil of witchcraft and the effects on their identity to the outside.
What faith in the effect of amulets and talismans, which appeared in the first writing period, still does not say that in the modern world has become useless. The evil and lives in the modern world, and perhaps, on the contrary, only took his strength. How the currency works — pets, and for which it was designed?
Mascot bit different from its "brothers" apotropaic, and an amulet. What is the difference? Task apotropaic (amulet) to reject the whole enters the human energy field is negative, to protect it from external bad influences. And mascot different task to attract more and more good of the expanses of the universe – the luck, the love, the wealth, the position of people and so on.
There are two options ward mascot in a person's life. The first is random. Many people have already made sure that the randomness is very natural and occur to the will of the Mind Supreme. A certain currency can become the mascot of communications, with few emotional or physical the case.
For a better understanding, we can consider an example of how the mascot of the coin is the man.
Here, for example, a long time ago a guy friend of a girl. Were my dear friends. And then one day they found on the street on a beautiful ancient coin. And the girl gave it to her boyfriend with the words: "Let it be your talisman and the memory of our friendship will bring you luck". If the guy will believe in these words, the money really will be for him the mascot.
The second method is to make the mascot yourself. A similar magical item will receive a huge power and strength in the direction in which it is waiting for his owner. After these lines of many there is a reasonable question on how to make the mascot of the coins.
This process is definitely not complicated, but to approach him with all the responsibility. Better, for the mascot ideal coin ancient, or made of precious metal. Such gizmos energy initially win for the force.
The coin can be worn around the neck in the form of a suspension (for this you need to drill the hole in you) , or simply keep with itself in a bag of good natural fabric. Of course, before you expect from her something special, a money is required to "charge".
It is necessary in the full moon to put the mascot on the window sill, preferably on a pad or a towel of red color. Therefore, it is necessary to ask the Universe (God, the Higher Intelligence of Allah), what is missing most in my life. For example: "I Pray you, for this amulet brought me luck, defended from the enemies, attracts love, money, and nice people, suggest the solution of the problems".
Then the money you need to wrap it in this fabric (cloth) , by putting it under the pillow and sleep on it until morning. And in the morning hang around the neck or stored in a bag. And the main thing – it is faith in their own power and the strength of a new amulet.